“Human Rights in Christian Perspective” Seminar

 Register via OMSC here!

Justice Revival is returning to the Overseas Ministry Study Center, now housed at Princeton Theological Seminary, to offer a special, online seminar version of our flagship course, “Human Rights in Christian Perspective.” The newly refreshed course material will invite participants to explore human rights from theological, spiritual, historical, and legal perspectives, through the lens of timely case studies on (i) systemic racism in policing, (ii) abuse of widows and orphans, and (iii) separation of migrant families.

The seminar serves as an introduction to human rights and the rich support this concept finds in the Christian tradition, drawing on the thought of Reformed theologian Nicholas Wolterstorff (author of Justice: Rights and Wrongs), among others. It includes an overview of relevant international norms and institutions that exist to safeguard human rights, as well as tools for putting understanding into action.

This event is specially tailored for OMSC’s global partners, including pastors, missionaries, church and mission executives, and scholars from around the world. Registration is, however, open to the public, and we welcome U.S.-based clergy, faith leaders, Christian educators and scholars interested in engaging human rights from a global perspective.

The seminar will take place Feb. 16th-18th, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm noon Eastern time each day. The cost is $100 and registration is required, as is attendance at all three sessions. Register via OMSC here.

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