A Christian Case for Human Rights
The George Washington University Law SchoolAllyson McKinney Timm will speak with the Christian Legal Society, International Law Society, Human Rights Society in the Student Conference Center (2nd floor of the Stuart Hall) at George Washington School of Law on Tuesday, October 19, 2021. For over seventy years, the modern human rights ideal has provided a systemic, overarching framework for the cause of justice—one that aspires to broad protections for the dignity and liberty of all people, everywhere. Too often, however, the concept of human rights is misunderstood, contested, or misused in the United States, by religious nationalists, among others. But at the same time, biblical texts and Christian theology and tradition can and do offer compelling cultural resources, inspiring faith communities to promote justice through a human rights framework. Join us to learn how one such community, Justice Revival, is working to advance respect for universal rights as an expression of Christian faith. This in-person event is open to the George Washington University community.