Dear *{{Informal Name}}*,
As Justice Revival approaches our fifth birthday on August 24th, I have been reflecting on the many ways in which we have experienced God’s faithfulness. We have felt the Creator’s hand guiding us, encouraging us, and bringing the right people to work alongside us at key junctures throughout our journey. We are grateful for our growing community of donors, interns, volunteers, committed staff, expert advisors, and partner organizations–and our board members past and present.
With great excitement I write to announce the addition of two new board members – Lisa Sharon Harper and Lori Adams-Brown, who joined our team in July. |
Lisa Sharon Harper is the founder and president of Freedom Road, a groundbreaking consulting group that fosters common understanding and common commitments that lead to common action toward a more just world. Lisa is a public theologian whose writing, speaking, activism, and training has sparked and fed the fires of reformation in the church from Ferguson and Charlottesville to South Africa, Brazil, Australia, and Ireland. |
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Lisa’s book, The Very Good Gospel was named 2016 “Book of the Year” and her most recent book is Fortune: How Race Broke My Family And The World--And How To Repair It All. Lisa, with the support of her team at Freedom Road, has been an indispensable partner to Justice Revival and the interfaith campaign for the ERA. |
Lori Adams-Brown is an international speaker, business executive, podcaster, and relief and development expert. She hosts a top 5% global podcast: A World of Difference, celebrating humanity’s unique differences and encouraging us all to make a difference around the world together. She grew up as a missionary child in international schools in Costa Rica and Venezuela, and has worked in Indonesia, Singapore, and the San Francisco Bay Area.
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She worked in disaster relief following the 2004 Indonesian tsunami where she consulted on UN coordination efforts, and has spoken to audiences in Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, Malaysia, Venezuela, and around the US. |
You can read more about these amazing faith leaders and other current board members on our website. We are grateful to have their diverse experiences, fire-tested faith, and fierce commitment to human rights on our governing board. I also wish to thank and honor our long-serving colleague Derick Dailey as he transitions off the board after five years of dedicated service as a founding board member. |
During his service with Justice Revival, Derick has been more than a colleague–he became a friend and a brother. His passion, critical insights, and lived experiences informed our work, prodded our consciences, and broadened our perspectives. I have been inspired by the boldness with which he speaks of the need for a clarion Christian movement for human rights. On behalf of the board, I want to send Derick a heartfelt thank you for his many contributions in our foundational years. He will always be a part of our family and someone whose viewpoint we value.
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As we embark on our sixth year, I am convinced that our country needs Justice Revival more than ever. We have seen progress, yes. But we have also seen how fragile that progress can be and how much further we need to go to truly forge a nation that treats all people as created equal – and worthy of respect, dignity, and the opportunity to thrive. I hope you will join me in thanking Derick and welcoming Lisa and Lori to our ministry. I also hope you’ll help us to spread the word about Justice Revival to more communities and leaders as we move ahead with perseverance in the race set out for us.
Peace & grace to you, |
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A Leading Christian Voice for Human Rights |